Noah Ballard
Daryl Bean, CJF, TE
Thomas M. Bedley
Doreen Brabble
Linda Browneller, CJF
Joshua Burnham, CTF
Travis Burns, MSc, CJF, TE, EE, FWCF
Patrick Burton, CJF
Timothy (CJF) and Courtney Byrne
Giancarlo Castelli
Colton Childs, CF
Katie Cofer
Tim Corbett
Meghan Coyle, CJF
Aly K. Cress, CF
Nathaniel Crumley, CJF
Tighe W. Cullinane, CJF
Alida Davis
Abby E. DeKalb
April Dorta-Duque
Thomas DuBois, CJF
Sam Durham, CJF, DipWCF
Matt Eldridge
Earl “Tri” Ellerbee, CJF
Jenis Ellingwood
Caleb Erickson
Gary M. Faulkner, CJF
Brian Fitzgerald, CTF
Charlie and Gail Francis
Ada Gates-Patton
Eric Gilleland, CJF, TE, FE
Jinny Goff
Eric W. Gray, CJF
Darren Greer, CF
Trey Hayden, CF
J. Mark Hickcox, CF
Daniel Hinkston
Austin J. Hoffman
Jennifer Horn, CJF
Kenny Hoyle, CJF
David and Pamela Johnson
Jon Johnson, CJF
David and Martha Jones
Kathy Keeley
Amanda Kopak
Jacob Manning, CJF
Kailey McIntosh, CJF
Jason Miner
Corey Minnick, CJF
Misty Nichols
Michele Patterson
Isidro Perez, Sr.
Travis [Vern] Powell, CJF, TE, AWCF
Whitney Roberts, CF
Margaret Rozhon
Douglas J. Russo, CJF, AWCF
Laurie Schmidgall
Abigail Updike Skipper
Amanda A. Smith, CF
Sara E. Snyder, CJF
Jake Stonefield, CJF
Stephanie Trager
Stacy Tollison
Allan Voeller, CJF
Timothy Wampfler, CJF
Sandra Wight
Jena Wilson
Shearer Wludyka, CJF, ASF
April Wolf, CF